Sunday, February 17, 2013


When I opened the washer this afternoon to put the clothes in the dryer, there was one thing that I kept saying: "I love my son, I love my son, I love my son..."  My sweet boy left tissues in his hoodie and put it in to be washed.  I then had the luxery of trying to get tissues off an entire load of darks - which was not fun.

While this was one of those days when I had to remind myself of the love I have for my son, I'm grateful for the wonderful person that he is.  When he doesn't have an attitude problem, he is the sweetest child.  He is very helpful, has wonderful manners, really wants to work hard and do well, and he accepts feedback well.  I hope he works out the attitude problem as he matures, but I guess we all have our vices that we need work on.

In the recent months, Kyson has been sharing some interesting things.  Some of my favorite Kysonisms are:

"Mom, when you were little, did you lose all your teeth and then get really old?"

"Mom and Dad, you need to get married in the princess castle.  I'll be the coach."

One day at church:
Kyson - "Mom, I want to share my testimony."
Mom - "Do you know what that means?"
Kyson - "Yes"
Mom - "So you know you go up in front of everyone and tell everyone what you believe?"
Kyson - "Yes, Mom.  I want to share my testimony."
Mom - "Okay"
When we got to the front and in front of the puplit, Kyson laid on the floor and left me to share my testimony.  As we went to walk off, he asked if he could say "potato bugs" in the microphone.  I said, "No."

Five-year-olds are so innocent and I love their enthusiasm and unconditional love.

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