Friday, February 1, 2013

Interior Decorating

Things have been stressful lately and the weight of it finally had its consequences.  During the day, Kris fell asleep, and Kodi found the markers.  She decided to help our plain walls by doing a little decorating herself.  She colored on both sides of her door, all over her desk, the hutch, and her dresser, and multiple walls.  When Kris found it, he called me to warn me, and I'm glad he did.  Even when I got home from work that evening, Kyson said to me, "Mom, you don't want to go upstairs.   It's really bad."  I had prepared my mind for what I was about to see, so I believe I handled it well.  I remained calm and immediately began trying to clean it with extra strength Mr. Clean Magic Erasers.  Those erasers have saved us on numerous occasions, and I felt that they would save us again.  Well, they saved us only partially.  The erasers took the marker off the furniture, but not the walls.  I was able to get the pruple marker off most of the walls, but the green wouldn't budge.  Some people suggested trying hand sanitizer, but it started taking the paint off.  I'm going to try toothpaste as others have suggested, but at this point, I believe I have a new painting project on my hands.  At least I have a good excuse to expidite what I've been wanting to do for some time - paint the walls. That's one way to look at it - right.  Either find something good, or kill my daughter.  I thought the optimistic approach might be better.

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