Friday, March 23, 2012

From Big Wheel to Bicycle

Kyson adores his big wheel and I think when he officially becomes too big for it, it will be a sad day for him.  To try and ease the transition, I've been pushing the big boy bike.  Last summer at the Zufelt Family Reunion, Kris's mom put money into the drawings.  Kris put the tickets in a variety of things, and we ended up winning two bikes for her, and she gave one of them to us.  Last year, the bike was a bit big for Kyson and I'd let him ride it while I held onto it.  It was fun for him, but exhausting for me.

Even this year, I did that a few times, but knew this was no long-term solution.  We bought him some training wheels and I was determined to have him start riding a big bike.  Well, the maiden voyage was somewhat interesting.  He has no balance yet, and the training wheels don't hold him balanced unless he's on an even surface and really not tipping to either side.  He nearly ran me over while trying to videotape his first attempt.  Then we rode around the block, but I had to hold on to him most of the way - even with the training wheels!  I don't know if they're crappy training wheels or if my son is just really unbalanced, but I don't remember it being so unstable.

He enjoyed riding his new bike, but is a little scared still, and the helmet is too small.  We'll get him another one soon, and try to keep having him practice.  He'll get there soon enough.

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