Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Our Little 2-Year-Old

It's hard to believe that Kodi is already two. It seems like yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital and trying to take some pictures of Kyson with his little sister. Now two years have passed and her personality has blossomed. She's still not
really talking except to tell us "no," but everything about her seems to be slightly behind because she's so small. I'm hoping that she'll just start talking one day, like you hear so many people say can happen.

She's a happy little girl, as long as she's not tired or sick. If she falls into one of the two categories - watch out. She's not pleasant. She even goes to the extreme of slapping herself, not lightly. She seems to have hit a spell of the "terrible twos," but then part of me wonders it if it's because she's fighting a cold. Either way, she's at that not-so-pleasant stage.

Now, to compare and update on her statistics:
Weight: 23.6 lbs (12%)
Length: 34.5" (70%)
Head Size: 18.5" (36%)
She's gone up a little bit in her percentile in weight, and a lot in her height. The doctor says she's very healthy and has a healthy diet. Her favorite foods are edamame, popcorn fish, and tuna fish. It's an odd diet for a two-year-old, but very good. It's looking like she's going to be a tall, thin little lady.

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