Thursday, February 18, 2010

Never a Dull Moment

Kyson is a fairly good kid. he's going through his terrible twos and he definitely keeps us on our toes. In the morning, Kyson and Kodi sometimes come to work with me until Kris gets off work. This morning was one of those mornings. Kris had arrived and I was doing the final touches on preparing the baby to leave. Suddenly, a loud sound started echoing through the halls of the school and flashing lights were blinding us - Kyson pulled the fire alarm! I ran into the hall to find him, tossed him at Kris, and went searching for a staff member who could turn this off and try to stop the fire department from coming. This was 10 minutes before first period was to begin. A staff and I found the key to turn off the alarm and she immediately called some phone number to stop the fire department. It was amazing how quickly we got everything under control. I don't know if the fire department came or not (I didn't see them), but believe it or not, school started on time. Now I ask you, does this look like the face of a mischevious little boy?


Sam said...

oh no! I know it may not seem funny now but I would really be writing this stuff down. If you are into scrapbooking I would even use that picture with this exact blog post for when he gets older. It is moments like this that you will look back on and laugh and not to mention when Kyson gets older he will be able to cheish moments like that with you.

Nicolette said...

Haha! Oh, boy. That made me chuckle. I'm looking forward to the terrible twos!

Jade said...

LOL! Always funnier when it's someone elses kid!

Amy said...

I love it! Mainly because my kids aren't the only busy boys in the family now.