Tuesday, January 22, 2013


When Kodi turned 3, we registered her for a tumbling class at the Rec Center.  From a very early age, she has been trying to do forward rolls back walk-overs off the furniture, and doing the splits.  We put her in a class when she was 1 or 2, but she couldn't follow instructions yet, and it wasn't rihgt for her.  Now, I think it's perfect and I'm glad we've found something she njoys so much.  It also works so well with her school schedule.  I don't know if well get so lucky next year.

Her teachers have been pushing her hard to do things on her own.  She didn't have the confidence to do some of the things on her own and would want a spot, even though she didn't need it.  She's the youngest in the class and not the best becuase of her inability to follow instructions well, but I think, and her teachers think that she has a lot of potential. 

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