Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Kyson's Stats

Well, we recently took Kyson for his 18 month checkup. I didn't know that he was supposed to have a checkup at 18 months, so he got a 20 month checkup - he's fantastic. He is still dropping slightly on his weight percentage, but, the doctor said it looks like he's leveling out and that is a good thing. Here are some stats for you:

Birth 9 lbs, 5 oz 74%
January 20 lbs, 8 oz 66%
(problems with eating began)
Current 25 lbs, 3 oz 37%

So as you can see, he's dropped significantly. Height and head size have remained pretty consistent.

Birth 22" 90%
Current 35.5" 92%

Head Circumference:
Birth 14" 25%
Current 18" 23%

So basically, looking at his stats, Kyson is really tall, really skinny, and has a small head. Most importantly, however, is that he is healthy and we're so glad to have him in our lives.

1 comment:

satomblablabla said...

oh i love kyson! mmmmmmmwah kysie poo!