Sunday, March 16, 2008

Baptisms, Breaks, and Babies

This weekend has been so eventful, I broke it into 2 blogs. Today we had the privilege of attending the Baptist church where my sister and her family attend. All four kids were baptized into their church and it was exciting to be apart of it. It was a wonderful experience and the people there were so inviting and warm. We never once felt out of place. Unfortunately, their church is VERY quiet and Kyson didn't want to behave very much, and every time the preacher started to pray, Kyson started whining. During the baptisms, Chelsie went first, then Kelley whose face showed to us how cold the water was, then Josh and lastly was Bailey. It's kind of funny to think that now that my sister is Baptist, in my immediate family alone we have three different religions. Thank goodness for free agency.

On a sadder note, my grandfather had a rough week. Last weekend he fell while bringing in his garbage cans and was pinned under them for an extended period of time. He was in and out of emergency this week and on Wednesday they found his back was broken in 2 places. He was released from the hospital today and is in Health South a rehabilitation center, where they can help him get his strength back and will be able to care for him until he can care for himself. While he's had a rough week, he's in good spirits.

Another spout of good news is an old friend of mine, Sam Stevens, and his wife had a baby on March 5th at 12:37 pm. It was a baby girl names Vienne Eva. She weighed 7 lbs 11 oz and was 19" long. I haven't seen her in person, but she looks adorable from the pictures.


Amber said...

Kelli it's Wes. Yes we are the same ones you think we are! It was cool to hear from you! Congrats on your new baby! I'm in the Army and am stationed in Kentucky right now. We are going to get out in the Fall sometime and hopefully move back to Utah. It was fun to see your photo's. Keep in touch!

-Wes and Amber

Doney Days said...

Is this Sam's first baby? How sweet is that?