Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

So much has happened just before Christmas this year.  My grand- father passed away on Dec 17, my mom had a hip replacement on Dec. 20, and we're all just running around trying to get Christmas ready.  Because my mom had surgery so close to Christmas, we thought we'd have to bring the party her - in her bedroom.  Amazingly enough, by Christmas Eve she was walking, doing stairs, and even driving.  I couldn't believe the progress she had made in only 4 days.  We still took the party to her by going to my parents house for some Christmas Eve festivities.  We ate some food, chatted a bunch, played around, and then we did presents.

Normally presents for my mom is a big deal, but my father is retiring this year and she said she had to "scale back."  Her generosity was still amazing, and we didn't even notice a decrease in anything.  It's always so fun to sit together int he family room, open presents, and laugh.  It takes me back to my childhood where we had Christmas in the same room and we still opened presents and laughed together.  The most precious gift that we received from my parents was a statue of an iguana.  in March of 2009, our sweet iguana, Komodo, passed away of old age and I can honestly say, we think about her regularly.  That statue looked just like Komodo and even Kyson recognized her right away.  Kodi was the funniest because she never got to meet Komodo, but immediately she latched onto the statue and loved it.  Maybe they met in passing or something.

I love Christmas time.  While I'm not too keen on the work required to put up and take down decorations, I love what Christmas represents.  Not only is it to celebrate the birth of our Savior, but to enjoy the wonderful gifts we have in this life - each other.

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