Saturday, October 30, 2010

BFFs and Good Times

Our next door neighbors are the absolute best. Their three youngest girls are friends with Kyson and they truly are his BFFs. He's always asking if he can go play with his friends, and we can use them for any form of bribery. If he's being bad, he can't play with his friends. If he won't eat dinner, he can't play with his friends until he eats; I even threaten to send his friends home if he won't try going potty. Friends are great leverage. Occasionally, their friend Rebecca will come over too. They sometimes play games, play on the jungle gym outside, or just watch TV. I don't think Kyson cares what they do as long as he's with his friends.

The girls really like Kodi and the dogs too. They always want to feed Kodi, cuddle with her, play with her, and what-not. They also do really well with Leroy and Fran, which is a very good thing because Fran gets a little cranky around children. It's just great for everyone.

When Kodi isn't playing with her friends,
another favorite pastime is playing in the mail. Every so often, I'll go through a large stack of mail. I throw the stuff to be recycled on the floor and make piles of other things on the table. Kodi loves to come and play in the pile on the floor. It's quite cute to watch her get so excited about paper.

Kyson and Kodi also have a play tent.
Occas- ionally we'll put it up and let the kids play in it. We haven't put it up for a very long time because Kyson gets a little too excited and starts beating up the tent. This most recent time, he did get a little violent, but he managed to settle down so we could keep it up. Kyson and Kodi watched Avatar (the last airbender cartoon) while laying in the tent. It was so adorable.

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